Daewon Research Group

Nano Energy Device Laboratory

NED Notices

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[2018.07.17] A paper has been accepted to 'Sensors and Actuators A: Physical'.
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  • 2018-10-06 18:29:18

A paper has been accepted to 'Sensors and Actuators A: Physical'.


The title of paper is 'A triboelectric nanogenerator using silica-based powder for appropriate technology' and the authors are Inkyum Kim, Hyeonhee Roh, Jinsoo Yu, Hyejin Jeon and Daewon Kim*.



이전글 [2018.10.06] SeungjuJo and DongwooLee have joined NED.
다음글 [2018.07.22] A paper has been accepted to 'Sensors'.
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