Daewon Research Group

Nano Energy Device Laboratory

NED Notices

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[2019.06.20] A paper has been accepted to 'ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces'.
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  • 2019-06-20 12:40:25

A paper has been accepted to 'ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces'. 


The title is 'Dynamic Analysis to Enhance the Performance of a Rotating-Disk-Based Triboelectric Nanogenerator by Injected Gas' and the authors are Hyeonhee Roh, Jinsoo Yu, Inkyum Kim, Yunseok Chae and Daewon Kim*.



이전글 [2019.05.13] Prof.Kim has joined MDPI micromachines as an editor.
다음글 [2019.06.28] Junkyu Park has joined NED.
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